I've been slacking, yes I know but I have been kinda busy with other things. I painted the house for three days straight last week and somehow I forgot about my duty to post my spending.
Monday 3/11: $36.37 Gas/Fuel
Tuesday 3/12: $9.41 Panera Bread (emergency dinner)
Wednesday 3/13: $88.48 Trader Joe's (groceries) $27.60 USPS (stamps for resumes) $123.56 Half.com (textbooks) $219.75 Vet (Chloe's yearly exam/monthly shot/yearly vaccines)
Thursday 3/14: NO SPENDING DAY
Friday 3/15: NO SPENDING DAY
Saturday 3/16: $43.14 Walmart (resume supplies and toiletries)
Sunday 3/17: NO SPENDING DAY
Monday 3/18: NO SPENDING DAY
Tuesday 3/19: $12.15 Exxon (gas/fuel)
Wednesday 3/20: $80.93 Walmart (groceries) $10.59 PETCO (Chloe)
Thursday 3/21: NO SPENDING DAY
Friday 3/22: NO SPENDING DAY
Saturday 3/23: NO SPENDING DAY
Sunday 3/24: NO SPENDING DAY
Spending hasn't been too bad in general, but things are starting to get a little tighter as I feel the pressure of still being unemployed. I managed to mail out 50 resumes over the past two weeks and so far have only heard from two firms to say they are not hiring right now. I am going to continue to push and send out even more as the weeks go on and still enjoy my classes without worry. Bernard and I are still maintaining two households even though I have spent the last two months here at his place. The amount we both would save by condensing would be ridiculous, but I will continue to keep my place until we are engaged. That's the deal that we've made for now although I will admit that as the money gets tighter it is frustrating to think that we could both save so much each per month by splitting all of our bills. I am trying to now look at this time of being unemployed as a way to get rejuvenated, focus on myself, and get as healthy and fit as I want with minimum obstacles. I watched two amazing documentaries this weekend so I will soon be sharing what I learned. Tomorrow I will be blogging about green drinks and juicing so stay tuned.
Happy Spending Freeze!
Vegan Irish Soda Bread
1 day ago