Earlier this month I blogged about spoiling my sweetie with 12 Days of Christmas gifts. I didn't want to mention what I did for each day but I thought that since today is day 12 I would share.
As the song goes, On the 12 Days of Christmas my true love gave to me...
1st Day: a cozy sweatshirt
2nd Day: two pairs of Ed Hardy boxer briefs
3rd Day: three NFL Atlanta Falcons golfballs
4th Day: four pairs of Under Armor ankle socks
5th Day: 5 Love Languages Book ( I also bought a copy for myself, so we can read it together)
6th Day: six couple coupons
7th Day: seven photos in an album of us
8th Day: eight Dove Promises chocolates each labeled with a promise
9th Day: nine love quotes and Bible verse in a leather bound journal
10th Day: ten issues of Men's Health magazine (one subscription)
11th Day: Love Mix #11 ( Mixed CD )
12th Day: twelve public confessions about my man
I hope this will inspire you to do something sweet for the ones you love and give them something to look forward to each day leading up to Christmas.
Vegan Irish Soda Bread
1 day ago