These are a few of my favorite things from this past year. Here goes...
1. My engagement! I can not imagine my life without B and I can't wait for 6.14.2014 we will be joined as man and wife.
2. Vega One Nutritional Shake makes the list because it is a vegan protein powder made from peas. I love it because it is not whey or soy based. I love all the flavors, but the Vanilla Chai is the one I like best.
3. Vegetarianism! In March I posted about plant based eating and even took on a vegetarian challenge for the month of April, but it wasn't until July 4th weekend that I decided to convert completely. I have never felt better and whole foods taste so much better than nasty processed meals 8 days a week.
4. DIY Wellness Motivation Board: Not only is it inspiring having this in my workout space, but I love having all my motivation and exercises easily available.
5. B bought me a used spin bike off Craigslist from my birthday and I love it. I got it to help with conditioning for half marathon training and it has yet to disappoint me.
6. Weekly Meal Prep/Freezer Cooking: I love cooking food on Sunday afternoons for the week ahead or prepping food for the freezer for easy weeknight meals. I commute about 3 hours a day, so this is a massive life saver. I prep lots of soups for the slow cooker and cut up lots of raw fruit and veggies for the week. Overnight oats is only of my favorites too.
7. Long hair don't care. I have stopped coloring my hair and have let it go long. All the supplements and healthy foods have made my hair grow faster and shinier.
8. Pink Polar Heart Rate Monitor: This little baby is awesome for making your workouts more effective and really help you know the calories burned.
9. Tea: Because I have been trying to rehabilitate my thyroid, I have eliminated caffeine and that means limiting coffee to once every week and a half or so. I have learned to love hot tea and I enjoy everything from English breakfast to chai.
10. CSA or Organic Farm: We have finally found a program that works for us and have been enjoying organic farm fresh produce that is easy and affordable for us to get our hands on.
11. Vitamins and Supplements: While I eat a lot of raw foods and get an amble amount of micro nutrients I have been taking lots of vitamins and supplements. I joke that if someone saw what I take they may think I have a terminal illness or cancer. I carry all my "drugs" in a massive pill case in my purse and take them with lunch at work. I take a high potency multi vitamin, vitamin D, liquid B-12, iron, selenium, zinc, kelp, B complex, biotin, and a pre natal vitamin (to repair the hair loss because of my thyroid).
12. Ready Made Snacks: Instead of spending lots of money on protein bars I have taken up the challenge of making homemade granola and even homemade Oatmeal Cookie Larabars.
13. Plant and Food Education: I have watched lots of documentaries including Forks Over Knives, Food Matters, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and Farmegeddon. I am also mid way through reading Michael Pollan's book In Defense Of Food and so far it is AH-Mazing. I can't wait to read his other books.
14. Smoothies: I have come to look forward to a smoothie and have found that it is an easy way to get a lot of raw fruit or veggies into my diet. Here are some of my favorites: Pink Pineapple Smoothie and Double Berry Smoothie. I also like to add spinach, banana, fresh orange juice, strawberries, and chia seeds to a blender for a breakfast smoothie on my drive to work.
15. Juicing: Juicing is a fantastic way to flood your body with micro nutrients and allow your body to easily digest everything because a lot of the fiber has been stripped out. I got a new Omega Juicer for Christmas and I can't wait to really break it in. Check out some of my juice recipes or whip up your own using what you have on hand.
B and I also embarked on a Spending Freeze in 2013 and are taking measures to start again in 2014 so we can save more money and pay down our debt further. The spending freeze was a huge part of our 2013, but it is far from my favorite highlights of the year.
Happy New Year!
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