
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Weekend for the Books

before the maple cream cheese glaze
This weekend was one for the books when it comes to loving the simple life and realizing that that is what GOD wants for us.  Saturday was a relaxing day...I took Chloe to the vet's office first thing in the morning, took her on a long walk, then Bernard and I came down to his house in the suburbs of Atlanta.  I even whipped up some yummy cinnamon buns thanks to the recipe provided by Smitten Kitchen.  It was about time to break in the beautiful Kitchenaid mixer my sweetie got me for Christmas.

Today we got up and headed to church to hear Andy Stanley preach.  The message was absolutely perfect to what we needed to hear when it comes to making your time count and living each day to its fullest.  Check out what Andy had to say here about Breathing Room.

So often we add items to our schedule because of obligation or what society says and we forget that not each day is promised.  Why not focus on our relationships instead of slaving away for the corporate man?!  Spend more time with our families and less time trying to impress people we don't even know?!

What wonderful things to think about as we start this work week...

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