
Thursday, December 27, 2012

DIY Eye Makeup Remover & Leave in Conditioner


Beauty is only skin deep BUT I love my beauty products yes I do!  However I hate spending money on them and frugal living is all about making do.  Two items that I can not live without and use daily are eye makeup remover and leave in conditioner, so after a little looking and trying I was able to make them myself.

Eye Makeup Remover


Small Container either Plastic or Glass

Witch Hazel (available at most big box stores, pharmacies, or grocery stores)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil 

To Make:

Mix equal parts witch hazel and olive oil in container.  The mix should be 50/50 and will separate so to use simply shake and apply to a cotton ball or washcloth.

Leave in Conditioner


2-3 Tablespoons of your Favorite Conditioner


Plastic Container with a Spray Pump (16 - 20 oz)

To Make:

Put 2-3 tablespoons of conditioner in the bottom of bottle then fill up with water being sure to leave about 2 inches of headspace in the bottle.  Screw on the top to the bottle and shake until everything is combined in the bottle.  Apply to wet or damp hair.

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