
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 6 Lazy Sunday at Home

Chloe Mae all snuggled in her dog bed

Verde Chicken Chili 

Oh Sunday how I love you.  Today I slept in to 8 am, ran a few miles on the treadmill, made some soup, tossed some laundry into the washer, and snuggled up in my comfy leather chair with my dog.  The weather has been beautiful but definitely autumn.  The air seems to have that chill on it and I feel the need to open the windows a little bit and get under a cozy blanket.

On a cool day there is nothing better than a warm bowl of chili.  That's exactly what I decided to whip up for lunch today and the best part is that I have leftovers for the rest of the week to take to work.  I will take this verde chicken chili (recipe to follow soon) over fast food any day.
Beautiful fruit prepped for a week of healthy lunch

I was also able to prep all my fruit for the week.  I always find that this is the easiest way to make sure you have healthy food accessible.  This is one of the things I mention in the tips tab and I think is very important to be successful when maintaining health.  If you have healthy food in your refrigerator already prepped for eating then you have no excuse to eat junk food.  But like I mentioned before you probably shouldn't have bad junk food in your house to be tempted by.  I think I would much rather be influenced by clean strawberries and grapes than chips.

Happy Sunday to you and your little dog too!  Take advantage of your day off.  Watch some football, read a novel, spend time with the ones you love.


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