
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 1 of Half Marathon Training and Awakening

Today is the day, the very first day of training in more ways than one.  I have started training for my first half marathon.  For those of you that do not know that translates to 13.1 miles, hence the training.  I am so nervous and elated all at the same time.  This also marks the start of many more fresh beginnings.  I am hoping that these 8 weeks will awaken me to a deeper relationship with GOD and his understanding, help me accomplish the goal of maintaining my fitness, discover direction within my career, and even shed those last 8 stupid pounds I have been wanting to ditch.  Let me preface this by saying I am not a health or fitness expert nor do I have any formal training that would allow me to walk hand in hand with the divine on a special level.  I am simply this, a girl trying to be her best in more ways than one while discovering what it is she truly wants.

Part of my spiritual quest deals with purpose and focus, not on myself but what GOD wants from me and for me.  I started reading Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life last night and will be doing so for the next 40 days.  The book is beautiful and although I have started it before this time my intentions are different.  I am also rereading Eat. Pray. Love. by Elizabeth Gilbert.  If you have never read this book I would highly encourage it.  The way she looks at life, language, spirituality, and culture is exquisite.  Please note the book is nothing like the silver screen Julia Roberts flick, although there are similarities.  I feel like everyone can relate to her story of wanting more and going after it even though it may be unconventional.  Another one of my goals is to start studying French.  It has always been something I have loved and the idea of reading a French cookbook in its native tongue is mesmerizing.  I will slowly be injecting French into my life and then perhaps purchase a children's fable that is familiar or Bible to practice my comprehension.

Now let's get to the fitness part.  I have always struggled with my weight to an extent and until recently have never felt confident about my appearance.  I shed nearly 20 pounds earlier this year and have managed to keep it off through lifestyle changes like exercise and healthy workout habits like running.

This half marathon is my way of challenging myself and doing something I know I am capable of fulfilling.  So when my Bible study small group said they wanted to go a weight loss challenge and one of the girls said she was running the half marathon on Thanksgiving in ATL I thought why the heck not?  This is the perfect example of GOD giving you exactly what you need when you need it.
Here's the workout plan I found to help me stay on track:

The thing I like about this plan is it encompasses everything one should be doing based on my research and the time frame is correct with Thanksgiving.  Technically the plan started yesterday, but after all that was a rest day.  Hopefully this will help me build my endurance and trim down the minutes on my mile.

Like most people in their twenties I am at a stand still when it comes to my "career".  I say "career" because it seems like I do not have one, as if to say I am simply wandering from job to job trying to find my niche.  During these next 8 weeks I hope to tackle this issue as well through job searches, patience, and determination.  I have already updated my resume and will most likely be applying to several posts later on this week.  Communication has also been my strong suit, perhaps that is why it was my major throughout college.  Well I think it is time to start putting mommy and daddy's money to good use.

I am writing about all this struggle and discovery for a few reasons.  First of all to hold me accountable and second to document something I know will be of importance later on down the line.  After all, I am a writer and prose is what I live for.  The artistry of explaining something in such a way that you understand or recall is beautiful and that is what I hope this journey will serve awakening.

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