Antioxidants have been showing up in food trends for years now, but what do they mean and how can they help with a healthy life? Antioxidant fortified foods are showing up everywhere and often the word antioxidant is added on food labels to make that otherwise unhealthy food seem more healthy and nutrient rich. As with anything I believe in whole foods and ingredients that can be found in nature instead of created in a food lab. That being said let's look at whole foods that are antioxidant rich and see how you can incorporate them into your diet for clean eating. These powerful vitamins in previous studies have shown to help slow and prevent cancer. Apparently new studies are unclear according to the National Cancer Institute but a list of facts concerning antioxidants are available on their website.
According to WebMD, antioxidants can be broken down into three vitamin categories: beta carotene and other carotenoids, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Foods that are saturated with these nutrients are usually fruits and vegetables and are gorgeous in color usually red, blue, red, orange, and yellow. WebMD also recommends eating these foods raw or lightly streamed to get the biggest benefits of the vitamins.
Here are just some examples of foods loaded with antioxidants:
Beta Carotene and carotenoids
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Spending Freeze Report: Week 1
Some people have the impression that yoga is for wimps, I would also argue that these people have probably never tried yoga. I urge you to check out the bodies of the folks attending the yoga class at your gym...tell me you aren't envious. Yoga is for tough people who think that quality is better than quantity.
Yoga has a lot of benefits associated with it, but I think the greatest one is the flexibility and body strength that allows you to be better at other activities. Whether you are a cyclist, runner, swimmer, or love to hit the weights yoga will help you shape your body and regulate your breathing. The ladies over at Self Magazine have listed some of the benefits to yoga practice.
Regardless if you want to try yoga to relieve back pain, get better sleep, or just get fit yoga is worth your time and is something that you can tailor to meet you wherever you are in your fitness journey.
Ways to Get Started
1. Look for a class at your local gym. This will help you know if you are doing the poses correctly because the teacher will have experience in yoga and you will be able to figure out what types of styles of yoga you may enjoy.2. Check out some yoga DVDs.
Here are a few options:
Yoga for Beginners with Barbara ( I use this one and love it! The instructor walks you through everything and is filmed on the beach for a calming effect)
Yoga Meltdown with Jillian Michaels ( This is more cardio/strength than traditional relaxing yoga, but will work you out to be super fit)
3. Follow a yoga diagram of progression poses like these.
Spending Freeze Report: Week 5
Linkie ♥
April Review, May Plans11 years ago