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Typical, typical Tuesday. I woke up early, threw on my running shoes and walked the pup, hit the treadmill for 4 miles, then made a delicious pancake breakfast all before 9 am and heading to work. What a perfect start to the morning! Today I thought I would rock the perfect fall outfit and when I arrived at work my wonderful co-worker told me I looked like October. So here I am in the new boots and dress I blogged about yesterday looking just like Ms. October.
Sorry for the pitiful crop job and yes, I do wish my dog knew how to operate a camera or android. Happy October!
Today was just another manic Monday so I thought I would start by addressing ways to manage stress. Stress is something that everyone can be plagued with and everyone deals with it differently. If you are not able to successfully manage stress it can eat you alive.
Well, I did miss a few days but frankly nothing revolutionary happened yesterday or Friday. More chaos at work...blah, blah, blah. I did do a little shopping yesterday though, in fact I actually went to the mall. I somehow forgot that Saturdays around here might as well be the day after Christmas or Black Friday. It was a mad house, but I am so glad I went. I picked up a few tops and got a super cute pair of brown suede wedge knee high boots. I have been looking for more fall essentials ever since I unpacked all my cold weather clothes. Not only does nothing fit because of the weight loss earlier this year, but I am not quite sure if my wardrobe even made the transition from college. Since my calves are now thinner I have been in search for the knee high boot. I wanted something that would work with dresses, legging, jeggings, and skinny jeans of course. Definitely a riding boot, but something not quite as traditional as the cognac, buckle, typical strap. That's when I found on Etsy the most beautiful pair of oxblood equestrian vintage boots.
Drum roll, please.
I can not wait to get these beauties in the mail and start wearing them. What's not to love?! The rich color, vintage feel, traditional laces...yep, perfect. Not only are they one of a kind sorta beautiful, they're vintage and you know how I feel about that. Now if only my sister would move to Atlanta and dress me from head to toe everyday.
I'm not a superficial person at all, but there is something to be said for feeling good about yourself and confident because of what you are wearing. I may not have a super busy social life compared to some, but hey I do start singles gathering tonight so why not?!
This morning I was up before the sun and it actually felt pretty good for a change. The past few days I have been so tired I have just wanted to lay in bed but this morning was different. I think Chloe Mae has a heightened sense of the cool weather and was up and ready to go this morning, unlike most when I have to tell her to get up and out of bed. To the left you can see she is ready for a walk and that is exactly what we did. I would normal take her with me to the park to run, but not today. I have been a bit behind on my half marathon training so I opted to walk her then drive to the park for a long run so I could run a little faster and a little farther. She is a pit bull and quite the athlete of course, but with her having Addison's disease I think it slows her down a bit. Also, let's not forget that she is a beefcake so after about mile 3 it is a struggle to get her to keep up. I ran a little over 4 miles today and it felt good. So good that it was painful, so I decided to take a lavender Epsom salt bath when I came home, heated up some homemade chicken pot pie from the freezer, then took a little cat nap. I just whipped up some sweet chocolate peanut butter oatmeal bars to take to the singles gathering tonight. I will let you know how they turn out. I hope they are edible at least since I am trying someone else's recipe.
So here's to fall and beautiful weather, warm hearts and warm blankets, and perfect morning runs. Enjoy the weather and the season while you can and never forget who made the stars and the moon.
Work was not any different today than it has been any other day this week, but tonight was wonderful. Thursdays are a day I look forward to because it's close to the weekend yes but it is also time I get to spend with my small group. Tonight we opted to skip on a session and attend night of worship at our church instead.
I am always talking about how GOD gives you what you need when you need it and tonight was nothing short of that. In the midst of everything that has happened since I have moved to Atlanta GOD has always been there and tonight I became even more in awe of that fact.
Tonight we praised Him for all that He is and then came communion. The message before the Lord's Supper was about the personal significance of the act. Communion is not about church or something you do there but is about the relationship you have with Christ and when you first accepted Him. I don't know if I truly remember the exact place and time that I accepted Christ into my heart and life because He has always been there. I can not recall any moment when I wasn't sure that He was there. There were of course the "lost years", but even then I knew He was there I just chose to not acknowledge Him. What a beautiful and perfect thing?! Even when I failed to give Him the glory He deserved He never left me and was always there even when I had forgotten about Him completely.
As I took communion for the first time since I have left Tennessee and said my prayer I thought about how different my life looks. I thought about that young firecracker of a girl in a teeny Methodist church with bowed knees on the chancel rail. I thought about the people, the organ, the prayer, and of course all the memorization that was said and stated...I believe in GOD the father almighty maker of heaven and heart...son was crucified, died and was buried. All of it just started to mumble in my head and I thought about how lucky I am that GOD was always there, never left me, and was close to me in the small Methodist church in Dover, Tennessee from the very beginning.
When I opened my eyes and realized I was in a massive auditorium in Buckhead with tons of people I had never met, then it occurred to me that I am exactly where GOD wants me to be. I sing old hymns around my house frequently and to me they have the same affect as quoting scripture. Here is the one I have been singing all night. Enjoy!
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art.
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
Today before work I decided to do some interval training and this is what I decided on. This workout was designed by my sister, but I have tweaked it for my liking and ability. This is the perfect treadmill workout to set yourself up for success because it is quick and everything is done in short bouts so you won't get bored. It will also whip you into shape, so be warned.
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wonderful start to wonderful wednesday |
As I mentioned in my last post yesterday was pretty awful, but the best part about today is that it is not Monday. This morning I woke to swollen eyes. Yes, battle of the pots is over and I am happy to say that I have closure and my beautiful grill pan back at home with me. I don't think I was so upset over the way that things ended between me and said gentleman as much as I was disappointed that my pattern seemed to repeat. I didn't see the signs early on and that made things difficult in the end. In my personal experience this usually means trying to date men that are emotionally unavailable. I'm not desperate to be in a relationship, but if I meet the right person I want to make every effort to ensure that I know them well enough to determine if it is worth the effort. People are not disposable and I believe that each person you meet in life is placed in your path at that moment for a reason. Every experience whether positive or negative brings to light another aspect of your life and GOD uses these people to help you work closer to Him.
Last night I got to thinking while I was all weepy in my bed how great our GOD is. We serve a living GOD who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I mean really how amazing is that?! Not only are we able to talk to Jesus like a best friend but He knew us before He made us and wants to show us which way to take. So this morning as I woke up with this feeling I was forced to remember something I had heard from a mentor in college. She always said, "I wish more men were like my Jesus." That's all folks.
After I took my dog to the vet this morning and before work I made a cup of tea and did a little yoga progression. The phrase "namaste" is commonly used as a greeting but really means "I see you" not in the physical sense but also in the spiritual and emotional sense as well. The yogis always say that prayer is for talking but meditation is for listening. What a profound statement, in the silence is when we are able to listen to GOD and His wishes for us. So this morning that's what I did...listened.
I need a good Christian man with focus, a relationship with Christ, and the rest GOD will work out for me. I wish more men were like my Jesus.
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unsweetened chamomile tea aka perfect start |
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broiled grapefruit with pinch of brown sugar |
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buttermilk pancakes, chicken sausage, and maple syrup |
I drive the same route everyday to work as I'm sure many of you do. I was not really rushed or running late to get to work today either, but someone I was not paying good enough attention. I was also talking to my mom on the phone as I do everyday. My dad is now going to insist on me using that massive expensive bluetooth headset I inherited from working at VZW and that is probably a really good idea because I hit someone. Yep, I rear ended someone while driving in rush hour on a road I travel everyday. No one was hurt but it is still just so annoying. Not only do I have to take care of getting my car fixed but I also have to see how much my citation is. Did I mention I was trying to save more money and spend less? I guess I will be dipping into the saving account for this one, dang it. Stupid Monday.
There has also been more confusion at work. Our office meeting was canceled today, which is ridiculous because we haven't had one in I swear a month. I think they are somehow trying to pacify us to an extent, maybe this is because our meetings are usually kinda town hall style. There was also a long email sent our my the CEO of our company that was a bit strange. Strange because it seems he is attempting to address all the things that bother us as employees, but it almost seems like those changes also mean a reduction in force. So, there's another sign that I need to keep my eyes open.
Today also marks the seemingly never ending battle of the pots. Here's the back story...somehow every time I really like a guy I cook for him and sometimes that also means that kitchen items ie pots get left behind. This is never on purpose might I add, but when you are canoodling on the couch or snuggled up in deep conversation that the last thing I think about is that I need to wash and collect my items. So, when the guy gets weird or in this case goes ghost for a while it becomes quite the ordeal to get the said items back. In this case it is my nice grill pan and perfectly sized red enamel casserole dish with matching top. I'm a culinarian at heart so I hate to brag but I have really nice kitchen equipment, so of course I want my stuff back. It is always surprising when the guy acts like it is the biggest request to have them returned even if you volunteer to go pick them up. Suddenly it is as if I am requesting hot chocolate on the Moon...I mean really?! Supposedly my items are going to be dropped off later today. I will believe it when I see it.
All in all today was completely awful and I am thankful it's over but I am so grateful that I have amazing friends, family, and a wet nose to come home to. Here's to tomorrow and what I will now be calling terrific Tuesday just because after today everything seems terrific. I plan to cozy up with a big blanket in my favorite leather chair enjoy a very terrible for me piece of cake and indulge in NBC's The Voice. Something about cake and Adam Levine that can make a girl very happy. Goodnight!
This brew is for all of you that are struggling to ditch the sugary drinks. There is no added sweetener in this recipe, but you will not miss it one bit. This tea is spicy, floral, herby, and absolutely delicious. Nothing is this simple and tastes this refreshing I assure you.
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I get by with a little help from my kitchen gadgets |
Here is what you will need:
- 4-5 Green Tea Bags (I used Whole Foods Organic 365)
- 2-3 Tazo Passion Tea Bags
- 2 Quarts Water
- Heat water on stovetop, in kettle, or through tea maker.
- Brew tea and let steep until room temperature.
- Serve over ice.
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Get your spoon ready! |
- 1 cup lowfat or nonfat Greek yogurt
- 1 tsp maple syrup
- sweetener of choice to taste (I used 3 packets of Stevia)
- 1/8th tsp pumpkin pie spice
- 1/8th tsp cinnamon
- nuts or mini chocolate chips (optional)
- Mix all ingredients together except nuts/chips if using in a medium size bowl until smooth.
- Transfer mixture to an ice cream maker and mix for 15-20 minutes depending on machine.
- Once mixture is desired consistency add in the nuts or mini chocolate chips if you are using them and let machine blend for a minute or two. I choose to top mine with walnuts instead because I was out of chocolate chips.
- ENJOY! Serves 2
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Chloe Mae all snuggled in her dog bed |
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Verde Chicken Chili |
Oh Sunday how I love you. Today I slept in to 8 am, ran a few miles on the treadmill, made some soup, tossed some laundry into the washer, and snuggled up in my comfy leather chair with my dog. The weather has been beautiful but definitely autumn. The air seems to have that chill on it and I feel the need to open the windows a little bit and get under a cozy blanket.
On a cool day there is nothing better than a warm bowl of chili. That's exactly what I decided to whip up for lunch today and the best part is that I have leftovers for the rest of the week to take to work. I will take this verde chicken chili (recipe to follow soon) over fast food any day.
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Beautiful fruit prepped for a week of healthy lunch |
I was also able to prep all my fruit for the week. I always find that this is the easiest way to make sure you have healthy food accessible. This is one of the things I mention in the tips tab and I think is very important to be successful when maintaining health. If you have healthy food in your refrigerator already prepped for eating then you have no excuse to eat junk food. But like I mentioned before you probably shouldn't have bad junk food in your house to be tempted by. I think I would much rather be influenced by clean strawberries and grapes than chips.
Happy Sunday to you and your little dog too! Take advantage of your day off. Watch some football, read a novel, spend time with the ones you love.
I woke early this morning before the sun and took Chloe Mae for a nice long run. It is clearly autumn here and that makes me so happy. I am sad to see summer go, but so happy to see the seasons change. It is beautiful everywhere you look and this morning when I was running along the Chattahoochee River I started thinking, yes this can be a dangerous thing.
I started recapping the two previous chapters of the book I have been reading, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Chapter 3 talks about drive and what drives people.
He mentions:
- Many people are driven by guilt.
- Many people are driven by resentment and anger.
- Many people are driven by fear.
- Many people are driven by materialism.
- Many people are driven by the need for approval
I didn't allow myself to hit the snooze button this morning and I am so glad. I started my morning at 6:50 am today and hit the treadmill for some interval training. Running intervals is one the easiest ways I think to psych your body and mind out about shaving off some time per mile. Here is the way it works:
- Warm up for a few minutes at a brisk walk
- Run at the pace that you normally would for 2 minutes. This should be challenging but you should be able to sing your favorite song without too much heavy breathing.
- Now, run at a pace where you are really pushing it for 2 minutes. It should be difficult to sing your favorite song, but you are not sprinting for your life.
- Repeat for at least 20 minutes of running.
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my pink kicks just for indoors |
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chipotle chicken sandwich, greek salad, and small apple = perfect Panera lunch |
Yep, I did it...I snoozed. I have somehow managed to refrain from hitting my snooze button for two whole days just to hit it three different times this morning. Yes, I failed. No, I will not let it happen again. If I don't take care of me no one else will. So tomorrow morning before work my chunky butt will be on that treadmill doing a little interval training. According to my fitness plan (see Day 1) Friday should be a rest day, so I think I will do a switch. Since I am already a runner I think I will step it up to at least two miles in the morning and see about the incline and speed variation tomorrow. Even Chloe my dog hates early mornings, she winced her eyes when I turn the lamp on. Yes, I realize I talk about her having human tendencies but if you know her you know this is quite true.
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My small group at the CLI fundraising dinner |
Tonight we went to a benefit dinner for a Christian organization called Christian Library International (CLI) where the primary mission is to get Christian literature into prisons and jails. This was truly a compelling night full of heartache, love, and human relate-ability. From the testimony of one of the former inmates to a woman who has been the mother of an inmate all the stories were incredible. I encourage you to look to them if you have books lying around to donate or extra change in your pocket. What a pure, wholesome organization who has a clear vision and mission. It is rare to find an organization where the proceeds actually reach the cause. This organization really seems to change that view, seeing as how all of their board members take no compensation for their efforts.
I am still praying for patience and purpose as I wrap up another week at work tomorrow. I think I am going to ingrain this saying into my head and think about it when I feel like giving up on GOD's time.
Alaina M.
Linkie ♥
April Review, May Plans11 years ago