
Sunday, January 5, 2014

What I like about Sundays

Sundays are a treat for me because it usually I am able to prep food for the week, workout as long as I want, relax, and enjoy just being at home with Chloe and B.  It is so cold here and has even been feeling cold in the house.  We are all bundled up and Chloe basically stays on the couch under a blanket.  

This morning I woke up and hit the treadmill for a nice run.  I ran for 15 minutes and then did the spin bike for another 20 minutes.  After all the cardio I did some sumo squats, wall exercises, glute bridges and v crunches.  I love working out and watching Netflix documentaries.  There is something about me time that is truly amazing.

I decided to whip up this yummy smoothie bowl and carb up after my long workout.

Raspberry Smoothie Bowl

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango
  • 1/2 cup frozen pineapple chunks
  • 1 banana
  • toppings (optional)
    • I used unsweetened shredded coconut, hemp seeds and chia seeds
  • Blend until all ingredients are the consistency of sorbet.
  • Enjoy!

I love a hot cup of tea and on a morning like this it's hard to not want multiple cups.  I had a piping hot cup of Trader Joe's organic red chai this morning with a wee bit of raw honey.  Who needs coffee?

The saddest part of today will be taking down our Christmas decor throughout the house.  I love Christmas lights and everything else, but I guess it really is time.  Goodbye beautiful lights and greenery.

I am hoping to get a post up about Freezer Cooking! Stay tuned :)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Juice Recap: January Week 1

This year I have decided that as part of my January goals I want to juice everyday for my health and to help rehabilitate my thyroid.  Part of that goal means sharing my juices with you folks as a way for me to be held accountable.

I have also been working out again because I have had the energy and my muscle pain and aching has been minimal.  Hypothyroidism pretty much sucks when you know how your body is supposed to feel.  By flooding my body with easily digestible nutrients I plan to get back to my healthy, fit vegetarian self.

Juice #1
  • ABCG
    • Apple (Gala)
    • Golden Beet
    • Carrots
    • Ginger Root
Juice #2
  • Spinach (lots)
  • Celery
  • Kiwi
  • Granny Smith Apple
  • Lime Juice (fresh)
Juice #3
  • Carrots
  • Apple (Gala)
  • Ginger Root
  • Tumeric Root
  • Tangerine Juice (fresh)
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My January Goals for 2014

This year I have decided to list my goals for 2014 on a monthly basis.  By doing this I hope to make more of them a reality because I will be able to not get overwhelmed.  Also, I know I can do anything for 30 days.

Although I haven't been seen by a doctor because of my symptoms and family history I believe I have hypothyroidism tendencies.  That being said I am hesitant to see a general practitioner because I am against big pharma companies and believe in whole foods.  After doing my own research I have decided to incorporate more raw foods into my diet through juicing.  I eat a lot of whole foods and an abundance of fruits and veggies as a vegetarian, but I really want to work on incorporating more raw foods.  Raw foods are obviously not cooked which means that the nutrients are not denatured and therefor super potent.
I love my new Omega Juicer so I have decided that a juice a day will be the best way for me to incorporate a large amount of nutrients into my diet.  Juicing is truly wonderful because it allows you to get the health benefits from fruits and vegetables without your body having to work to break down the fiber contained in most plants.  I have also found that if I were to attempt to just eat the veggies and fruits I am juicing that it would be too much food.  I would never be able to make it through a meal.  My jaws may even get sore from the chewing (giggles).

I am going to do my best to post my juices on a weekly basis so you can see what I am eating and I can be held accountable.

Last year at this time B and I decided to do a Spending Freeze and we did an awesome job.  We not only were able to save more money, but we are now more aware of our bills, excessive expenditures, and know what is coming in and going out of our accounts.  We are wanting to move closer to the city and shorten our commute times (about 3 ish hours daily) and that means that it is time to cut back on our not necessary expenditures and work on ways to save.  I love feeling empowered and honestly who doesn't?!  We are in full swing and ready to take on the challenge and further explore what works for us.

I feel like when my health and money are in order everything else becomes less of a struggle.  After all, when I am fit I feel more confident and stress less and when I know what is going on in my bank account I feel even better.

I am also going to get our wedding save the dates out, further plan the bachelorette weekend and Nashville, and work on the ceremony decor.

Here's the short list...

January Goals 2014

  • Juice everyday 
  • Spending Freeze
  • Wedding Details